Joyce Carol Oates Retweeted This Gif of A Cat

Yesterday afternoon, prolific author and National Book Award winner Joyce Carol Oates retweeted this gif.

I love JCO so much. If you’re not following her, you should, because sprinkled among her thoughtful tweets about literature and politics and being human are pseudo-philosophical musings about cats. She’s just the greatest.

Personal Story: I once met Joyce Carol Oates at a book signing and she complimented me on my nail polish. I believe it was a personal favorite of mine, Sally Hansen Inta-Dry in Mint Sprint. It was literally a highlight of my life. Top 5 moment for sure.

About flanny

Flanny was born and raised in a Detroit suburb, but tells people she's from Detroit without clarification because it makes her sound tough. She is not tough. Her favorite member of One Direction is Louis Tomlinson, and her favorite Agatha Christie detectives are Tommy and Tuppence.
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6 Responses to Joyce Carol Oates Retweeted This Gif of A Cat

  1. collin0truckasaurus says:

    Cats are nutzo when it comes to shoes. My cat used to put paperclips and earrings in my shoes. No one knows why.

    • flanny says:

      Nan isn’t interested in my shoes, other than she gives them a quick sniff every once in a while. She’s not interested in anything that might be fun, though. She’s joyless.

  2. flanny says:

    Are you guys seeing this gif??? I think I’ve sent two hours total of my life watching it since I first saw it yesterday afternoon. The eye! The little squished paw!

    • Sota says:

      Ive been consumed by a bunch of deep dark relationship thoughts today and so this is literally the best thing to happen to my afternoon. I will watch this happy kitty all day long!!!! Makes me soooo happy!

  3. Sota says:

    One time I met Elizabeth Berkeley and she complimented my nail polish too. She even put her foot up on the table to show me that her high heels were the same color. The polish was bright purple. Who knew that nail polish was such a great celebrity intro topic!

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