
This is footage of last night’s NASA’s Antares Rocket launch which…could have gone better. (It was unmanned, so one was hurt, thank goodness.)

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14 Responses to Whoops

  1. flanny says:

    Let’s forget about this and just concentrate on how great the Mars Rover is.

  2. facetaco says:

    You guys, this is NOT going to get us any closer to being invited to hang out with the aliens. Come on, NASA, get your shit together!

  3. FRQ says:

    “My work here is done.”

  4. That’s really scary, guys! I’m really glad no one was hurt!

  5. hotspur says:

    I love how calm space people remain at all times. “Houston, we’re experiencing a major fire in the cockpit.” / “Roger that. [pause] We recommend venting the fire.” / “Houston, we did attempt a vent prior to this message, with unsatisfactory results, over.” / “Roger. Have you attempted to flintlock the macgruber, over?” / “Roger Houston, we flintlocked and stopgapped. We attempted a double reverse, with exacerbating results. Any other ideas? The cabin is now [long pause] full of lava. Over.” / “Roger that, lava. Hang on… [tense nerds confer off-mic] We recommend a flurry mctwist. This will give you a one in 3.2 million chance, over.” / “Roger Houston, proceeding with snowball’s chance.”

    Space is amazing and space people are amazing.

    • hotspur says:

      That’s my new band btw. Tense Nerds Confer.

    • taoreader says:

      My sister and bro-in-law are planetary scientists (sis is working on a NASA grant) and I’m going to read this aloud to them and they will laugh so hard.

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