It’s Friday! Let’s Dance!

What are your plans this weekend, guys? I’m going to hang out with friends like a real person with a social life! Woo! In celebration, it’s dancin’ time:

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23 Responses to It’s Friday! Let’s Dance!

  1. Sota says:

    I am pretty excited because today is Friday which means…first date with Friday Night guy! Yay! #datinggum

  2. welcometocostcoiloveyou says:

    I’ve been working on organizing a lot of stuff around the house, and preparing boxes of clothes to donate to a local store. We are hopefully going to put our place up for sale in the near future.

    I haven’t had a haircut in forever, and if all goes according to plan, my friend is going to cut my hair this weekend, then I’m taking her out to dinner.

  3. artdorkgirl says:

    It’s supposed to snow Saturday, so I’m hopeful that will cancel the birthday party that Mr. Dork is insisting I go to. If that happens, I’m going to study, make some stew, and finally watch Boyhood so that manners will finally shut up about it.

  4. flanny says:

    Well, tonight and tomorrow night I’m going to listen to some country/bluegrass music being played in the coffee shop below me.

    Next week is going to be pretty busy for me, so I might prep for it, buuuut probably not. Probably I’ll just watch TV and write.

  5. catweazle says:

    I’m going to see Inherent Vice after work today and then spending the rest of the weekend doing nothing. Well, I have class tomorrow but that barely counts because it’s fun. My last few weekends have been pretty busy what with nun parties and having people over to watch the Golden Globes and stuff so I’m very much looking forward to zonking out on the couch a lot, especially because next week is going to very busy at work and I need to conserve my energy!

    • artdorkgirl says:

      I saw IV last weekend and I will say this, I enjoyed it, I got into the world. Does it all make complete sense? No, and I’m totally ok with that. Mr. Dork loved it. So do with that what you will.

      • catweazle says:

        I won’t lie, I’m not super interested in the movie on its own merits because I’ve never loved a PTA movie. But I love Joanna Newsom more than most things/people on the planet and she’s in it and that is why I’m paying my hard-earned $10 to see it in the theater!

        • artdorkgirl says:

          She’s in it, but she’s not a main character, so you might not want to get your hopes up too much. Benecio del Toro, however, is the most coherent I’ve ever seen him. I could actually understand every word he said!

    • hotspur says:

      Oh no! I did not love Inherent Vice. I actually have a hard time imagining who would love it. I went in with very high expectations, though. Maybe go, but plan to hate it, and that will lead to success.

      • artdorkgirl says:

        I went in with very measured expectations as Manners didn’t really care for it but wanted to see it again. Mr. Dork didn’t know anything about it at all (other than Manners saying he wasn’t sure how he felt about it) and thus enjoyed it. I found it funny and charming enough to be worth the price of admission.

        • catweazle says:

          I went in with the expectation that it would be very long but I would get to hear Joanna Newsom’s voice and occasionally see her face and I was not disappointed! I actually liked it more than I expected.

  6. I’m going on a bar crawl tomorrow night! I’m hoping to stay until at least 10 or 10:30 PM! Then Sunday I’m having brunch with a friend and I hope I’m not too tired!

  7. Today is my birthday so I was going to go to Rocky Horror Picture Show with my sister and get drunk, but instead I’ve been sick for the last three days and will probably take a bunch of NyQuil and go to bed at 8.

  8. Commentatrix says:

    Hey guys! I’ve had a houseguest all week so haven’t been around. I missed you all! This weekend I’ll just be recovering from a week’s worth of playing the hostess, and I can’t wait. My DVR is literally so full, you guys!

  9. nastyemu says:

    Woo it’s Friday! This weekend I will be packing up everything that I don’t want the movers to touch and taking it to my parents’ house. Fun.

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