Where Are This Year’s Festive Movie Reviews?! (that’s what everyone is definitely asking)

As if we’d be watching any of THESE

Obviously everyone is missing my annual Christmas movie reviews, it’s OK, you don’t need to say it.

I’ve been missing them TOO. This is the first year in about seven years that I haven’t sat down with my notebook and got thoroughly engrossed in the holiday movie exploits of whichever former Party of Five cast member happens to be on screen today. I’ve always really enjoyed not only watching and writing, but also receiving all of your comments and feedback.

So I just wanted to post a little note to say I’m so sorry that 2022’s reviews haven’t materialised. Life hasn’t really been all that great for the past six weeks or so, and I can’t stress enough how important I think it is to be honest about that. I’ve lost two jobs, been dumped by someone I really liked, and a dear friend ended their life by suicide.

It’s been incredibly hard. We are getting there. But it’s not been the time for holiday movies, and I just hope that next year we can get back to laughing at all of our favourite clichés.

If anyone needs any support or chat or ANYTHING over the holidays, to leave a note in the comments and we’ll find a way. Love to you all.

About gnidrah

Television, books, music, sports, cooking. I only get paid for one of them. (Update: two of them!)
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7 Responses to Where Are This Year’s Festive Movie Reviews?! (that’s what everyone is definitely asking)

  1. hotspur says:

    Oh no, gnid, I am so sorry to hear this avalanche of bad news. Your friend’s death alone is… a rough one. I can’t imagine all of this at once. I guess I thought I had it bad because an aunt is going into surgery this week? Well, it isn’t great, but it seems less bad now 😦
    If you want to talk, maybe DM me at Twitter. Are you on the electric twitter machine? Or are you sane.

    • gnidrah says:

      Thank you so much – it’s been one, that’s for sure, and for so many people, I am really sorry to hear about your aunt’s operation and I hope it all goes really well, what a time of year for it.

      I don’t do twitter because I like what remains of my sanity… I used to have to run the work accounts of a couple of shows I did, and that really felt like enough, although I appreciate that if I was doing it for myself rather than for a job, I would have far more control over who/what I followed/interacted with.

      I hope that I feel back on the horse by February and then I’ll do a completely out-of-season movie review!

      Happy Christmas!

  2. Sergeant Tibbs says:

    Sending you lots of love from afar gnid. Every one of these losses is so hard on their own – I’m really sorry you are going through all of this now. Please know I think fondly of you and always look forward to the light of your writing, especially around this season. I know the light isn’t always there though, and I’m glad you shared what you’re going through with us. Hope you’re able to do something good for yourself this week. Please DM if you’d like to talk or leave a comment here.

    All of you monsters are a warm and important community that I really appreciate. I know we don’t all comment as frequently anymore but this community still means a lot to me – my family has heard me mention favorite monster comments and posts twice this week 🙂 Wishing you all better tides come next year.

    • gnidrah says:

      Thank you. It really felt like I shouldn’t leave the house for a few weeks there, because if anyone was going to be hit by a bus, it would have been me! We still have a few underlying things going on, with some illness, for example, but luckily I am now working (and not crying about this stupid boy every 20 minutes!)

      I completely agree – it’s a community I think of often, and I have tried many times to explain to people (without success!) I will definitely be writing a festive movie review as soon as I can, plus I will be bringing you as much Eurovision 2023 as you can all handle…

      Happy Christmas to you and yours!

  3. Tracey says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about what’s been happening in your life. Just one of those things would be enough to through life off course, it’s plain unfair that you have to deal with all of these.

    I love your movie reviews and I like to think all your hard work contributed to the feast of Christmas movie options now available on all streaming platforms. But it’s good that you’re giving yourself the grace to take a break and not feel like you have to do anything. If you’re in the mood to review Christmas movies later in the year, we’ll happily read them any time.

    Grief is different for everyone so please don’t feel like you “should” feel or do something specific, all you have to do is get by one day at a time. Unlike HOTSPUR, I can’t support E*** M*** so I deleted Twitter. Apparently I can support M*** Z********* so message me on Instagram if you need a place to vent or cry or share stories about your friend or have me tell you that your ex is a jerk and those jobs didn’t deserve you.

    • gnidrah says:

      Thank you. I guess I was having a fun time for too long, so it was always bound to catch up with me LOL etc. It’s one of those situations where you think you’re OK and then something hits you (& from a break-up point of view, there’s truly nothing like Christmas to remind you where you stand, not even Valentine’s Day, I swear) but as you say – it’s a day by day thing.

      I’ve got a big event for one of those companies you’ve starred out (!) in the middle of January but after that I fully intend to write nonsense. It’s nice to know it amuses a few people, that’s for sure!

      Joyeux noel a tous!

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